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45019 Speedball Screen Printing DVD
VHS video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
45020 Speedball Screen Printing DVD - PAL
VHS video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70456 Mixed Media - Painterly Printmaking DVD - Julia & Gail Ayres
Grounded in their mastery of printmaking, Julia and Gail Ayres explore the combination of techniques with a wide variety of materials. In their creative and inspiring instructional video, Gail and Julia demonstrate their masterful techniques and awesome results. In their video workshop you learn both the additive and reductive monotype techniques using non-toxic inks. They use everything from brushes to brayers and Q-tips to fingertips. The DVD demonstrations include both additive and reductive monotype techniques. You will see multiple plate drops. The video covers Painterly printmaking, relief block, stencils and drypoint.
70457 Art is...Monotypes & Monoprints DVD
Explores how singular artworks are created by combining printmaking, painting, and drawing. The printmakers demonstrate how different plates can be used and then drawn or painted with water-based mediums. Paper is then placed over the image and either burnished by hand or passed through a printing press to produce an edition of one. Some of the techniques used include subtractive, additive, templates, ghost prints, and handworking the finished print. DVD, 41 minutes.

70508 Art is...Relief Printmaking
Artists: Nick Capaci and Jonde Northcutt. This video introduces basic relief printmaking techniques using simple materials and tools including preparing a lino block, applying water-based ink, and pulling the print using a press or the back of a spoon. Different types of relief printing blocks including stamps are shown. Closed captioned. DVD 36 minutes. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70510 Printmaking - Relief Printing - Speedball DVD
DVD video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70512 Japanese Woodcut Workshop DVD
In this unique Japanese Woodcut Workshop, native Japanese printmaker Izumi Kuroiwa demonstrates the complete process of Japanese woodcut printmaking in four easy-to-understand yet thoroughly comprehensive sections. The 75-Minute video has four sections: A Brief History, Tools & Materials, The Process of Japanese Woodcut Printmaking and the Maintenance of Tools & Making of Ink. Please note, we no longer rent Videos and DVDs.

70515 Relief Carving DVD by Flexcut
70520 Screen Printing Video - Speedball
VHS video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70522 Artsmart Basic Screen Printing
The general process of screen printing is presented, along with historical information and numerous examples of commercial and fine art prints. The paper, celluloid, adhesive paper, and resist stenciling methods are demonstrated, printed on paper and fabric. Includes teacher's guide. DVD, 25 minutes.
70524 Artsmart Photo Screen Printing
Alex Wood demonstrates the photo emulsion process, using direct drawn keyline, rubylith, and blockout screen. The process presents color separation, registration, and exposure in an easy-to-understand manner. The demonstration is supported by many examples. Includes a teacher's guide. DVD, 27 minutes.
70530 Relief & Intaglio Printmaking on Resingrave Blocks DVD
Richard Woodman shows you how to make a traditional wood engraving through this hands on demonstration.
70555 Nontoxic Intaglio Video - Victor Boegh
VHS video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70580 Keith Howard Non-toxic Instruction Video
VHS video for sale. We no longer are renting any video or DVD.
70590 Akua Kolor Safer Print Video - Rostow & Jung
In this 53-minute video, Susan Rostow & William Jung, along with guest artists, demonstrate information for the beginner or advanced printmaker. Techniques covered are: Reductive & Additive Monotype, Viscosity Monotype, Printing with & without a press, one color Intaglio, four color photo-intaglio, Japanese woodblock, color mixing & Modifiers, and Monotype Drawing tools.
70591 Safer Printmaking - Rostow & Jung
In this 53-minute video, Susan Rostow & William Jung, along with guest artists, demonstrate information for the beginner or advanced printmaker. Techniques covered are: Reductive & Additive Monotype, Viscosity Monotype, Printing with & without a press, one color Intaglio, four color photo-intaglio, Japanese woodblock, color mixing & Modifiers, and Monotype Drawing tools.

70610 Printmaking in the Sun - Dan Weldon
This DVD shows every step of making relief and intaglio prints using solarplates. Dan shows how to create an image on Mylar using various mark-making techniques. The solarplates are then developed and printed. Tips and advice on exposure times, washing out, registration, inking, preparing paper, and the amount of pressure needed from the press ensure that your printmaking experience is easy and successful.


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