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70015 Magical Secrets about Thinking Creatively
The Art of Etching and the Truth of Life by Kathan Brown - An introduction to a continuing series of 5 books on intaglio processes.Each successive book gives valuable, in-depth information on techniques,tools,and processes.

70016 Magical Secrets about Line Etching & Engraving
Step-byStep Art of Incised Lines by Catherine Brooks, gives readily accessible information on all forms of intaglio line, from drypoint and engraving to wax-based hard and soft grounds. Health and safety is addressed where necessary.

70017 Magical Secrets about Aquatint
Spit Bite, Sugar Lift and Other Etched Tones Step-by-Step Art by Emily York, explains the aquatint processes of spit bite, sugar lift, soap ground, and water bite. Details of steel-facing and multiple-plate printing, and step-by-step instructions for making you own aquatints.

70018 Magical Secrets about Chine Collé
Pasting, Printing, Mounting and Leafing Step-by-Step by Brian Shure, is an expanded and revised version of the popular (and now out-of-print) Chine Collé: A Printer's Handbook. The new book gives step-by-step instructions for printing and pasting to a support sheet, and adapts chine collé techniques for working with collage and mounting paper, fabric, and other materials with or without a press. Additional chapters discuss sizing paper or fabric, gold leafing and scroll mounting. Instructional DVD included!

70290 Ink, Paper, Metal, Wood: How to Recognize Comtempory Artists' Prints
Handbook by Kathan Brown contains descriptions of all the printmaking processes with an emphasis on intaglio. A great source for any printmaking student.

70745  Intaglio by Adam & Robertson
This practical guide to intaglio printmaking. With clear step-by-step instructions that avoid the use of toxic materials. This book covers engraving, drypoint, mezzotint, burnishing, air-abrading, or acrylic-resist etching methods such as aquatint, photo-etching, collagraphy or photo-collagraphy techniques .


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